My expression through visual art begins its journey at the end of 2017 with oil painting, when I start to walk in the landscapes of my travels, in the leaves of a certain innocence. Imprint of sublimation and a certain candor, my painting then turns to the portrait, as if searching for a look.
But at the end of 2019, I realize that it is my own vision that I want to translate, the one that I carry on the world, on my way of being in the world. This is how I come to question the place of the human within the whole, starting with his place as a child. I have, in fact, always felt like something unsaid from childhood that needs to express itself, something that prevents me from knowing where I belong. I then wonder about the way in which humans can know themselves and occupy their place of adulthood without having welcomed the child in them. Self-knowledge sometimes requires a rebirth of this child who may have felt lost and needs to be welcomed with kindness to take his real place and grow up safe.
I then decide to turn to spontaneous, intuitive expression through acrylic painting, mainly, which allows me to welcome each impulse of form and color without judgment and offers me the space necessary to let go, to astonishment, perhaps to reveal treasures that remained hidden. I want to welcome all of this fully without my consciousness identifying with a body because otherwise we would no longer be one but two. Non-figurative painting allows this unconditional welcome and an introspective dialogue. I observe what is happening, from several angles to be sure that I can accommodate what should be. I respond to what I perceive by pursuing with delicacy and balance so as not to intimidate what seeks to be born, this whisper of life, which sometimes lets appear a figurative form. It is with an enveloping, poetic and hopeful energy that my painting expresses itself. The harmony and the softness of the colors and the curves give a certain security to what is welcomed, a great kindliness. No point, no angle, no straight line on the horizon. My creations emphasize what arises, not what collapses, where the old form gives way to the new.
The colors of my work gradually gain in intensity, which let me think that the child expresses herself with more force. No doubt she wants to succeed in bringing her life energy to this world, where modern society continues to use compartmentalizing, destructive energies and uses all the resources of our nature to better ignore that we are within it and that its welcome gives us life. My creative process is in this an encouragement to live in a dimension of harmony and of who we are, a proposal of a benevolent being-in-the-world, by being included in the whole and not next to it.